
Showing posts from January, 2022

Week 19 - Design and label the super and build it

This week I am starting to design the super box of the hive and I will also label it as well. The super box is basically the same as the brood box in every way, the only difference being that it is smaller than the brood box. The main purpose of the super box is to act as an area or space for the bees to store honey and keep it there until it is needed, also in the Winter months it can also  provide an 'extra area of space' for the bees. If there is no extra brood box (or there is one needed), the super box can be used to act as a brood box as it is exactly the same in every way, except that the brood box has far more depth. My early designs of the super box of the hive are illustrated below and labelled: Below are the photographs of me building the super box for the hive, at the different stages: Firstly, I measured the length of the brood box I had just built, this is because the hive will have to sit on top of the brood box perfectly in flush. The only thing that I need to m...

Week 18 - Design and label the broad box and build it

This week I am starting to design the brood box of the hive and I will also label it. The brood box is also another important part of the hive, it is where the queen bee lives, without her, the colony dies and it is also the 'nursery' where all the larva (baby bees) are born and grow up into worker bees. Without this part of the hive, the colony wouldn't really die as they could always use the honey super box on top of the brood box. The honey super is basically the same as the brood box in every way, the only difference it has is that it is smaller. But then there wouldn't be an area for the bees to store their honey if there was no brood box. The main point of difference of the brood box is that it is larger than the super, this allows for more bees to be produced by the queen, so in turn the colony will grow more and won't die out as easily. My early designs of the brood box of the hive are down below and labelled: Below are the pictures of me building the brood ...

Week 17 - Design and label the bottom floor of the hive and build it

Now I am starting on the design of my beehive. This week I am starting to design the floor of the hive and I will also label it. The floor, is arguably one of the most important parts of the hive, this is because it holds everything in place and carries and supports the overall weight of the hive. It is also the location of the hive entrance, this is where the bees enter and exit in order to collect pollen and nectar for the colony to survive. It is also the main source of ventilation to help keep the hive cool and not too hot, during the warmer months. It is also where the tray is located, that collects any debris/rubbish that is discarded by the bees. This is important because if the rubbish left by the bees is dropped directly on the floor outside of the hive, then this will potentially attract predators and any many other threats to the hive's survival, this tray prevents this and allows me to monitor the bees further. In particular, for signs of disease and infection of dead b...