Week 19 - Design and label the super and build it
This week I am starting to design the super box of the hive and I will also label it as well. The super box is basically the same as the brood box in every way, the only difference being that it is smaller than the brood box. The main purpose of the super box is to act as an area or space for the bees to store honey and keep it there until it is needed, also in the Winter months it can also provide an 'extra area of space' for the bees. If there is no extra brood box (or there is one needed), the super box can be used to act as a brood box as it is exactly the same in every way, except that the brood box has far more depth. My early designs of the super box of the hive are illustrated below and labelled: Below are the photographs of me building the super box for the hive, at the different stages: Firstly, I measured the length of the brood box I had just built, this is because the hive will have to sit on top of the brood box perfectly in flush. The only thing that I need to m...