Week 10 - How to make a Hive (measurements)
Construction of floor These measurements are for the hive floor that I will be building. Above I have given the exact measurement and the name for each one of the pieces and what it will be used for. These measurements I have are the same used to make the standard national hives that you can buy. The image to the right is of what the floor will look like from a top view and side view when it is completed. I got these pictures from the same website that I got these measurements from and this will help give an example of what it should look like when completed. http://dave-cushman.net/bee/natfloor.html Construction of brood box These measurements are of the brood box that I will be making for all the brood (baby bees) that will be laid by the Queen bee in the frames in the brood box. Again, this picture on the left is what the brood box will look like from a top view and side view when it is completed. http://dave-cushman.net/bee/natbrood.html Construction of super These meas...